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The BFS Book Club is Reading: The House of Frost and Feathers

Yet another perk of joining the BFS: get to know some of the best new speculative fiction reads, and chat about them with the community.

Next up at the BFS Book Club, it’s time to dig into The House of Frost and Feathers by Lauren Wiesebron.

BFS Secretary David Green, who runs the book club, says of this month’s book: “I read the House of Frost and Feathers in October, and it was this book that made me want to create the BFS Book Club in the first place – supporting debut authors by sharing their brilliant and fresh storytelling with our readers. House of Frost and Feathers is the perfect late-winter read, and something I’m sure our members will love as much as I do.”

Read David’s review here.

About this month’s read

Genre: Folkloric fantasy
Length: 432 pages
Publisher: Hodderscape
Released: 16 January 2025

Marisha’s time is running out. She’s already lost her family to the sleeping plague, and she fears she’ll be next. Penniless and desperate for protection, Marisha is forced to accept a job as apprentice to the notorious koldunya, Baba Zima.

Despite Baba Zima’s reputation for cruelty, Marisha finds herself drawn into the magical world of koldunry, and is thrust into looking for a cure to the plague – if Marisha finds it, she will finally be free.

As the search grows increasingly dangerous and seemingly impossible, Marisha uncovers hidden connections between the sleeping plague, her own family’s history, and her haunting dreams: of a masked ball where sleepers are trapped endlessly dancing – and a monstrous beaked man who shadows her every step… 

About the BFS Book Club

This is more than just an online book club: not only can members read along and join discussions on the BFS Discord server and in our Facebook group, but we’ll also have exclusive perks for BFS members, such as live Q&As with the authors.

Get your copy of The Book of Frost and Feathers – whether you request it at your library, purchase your own copy from the bookstore of your choice, or listen to the audio version – and then join the BFS Facebook group or members-only Discord server to chat about the book as you read (no spoilers, please!). It’s totally fine for readers to not enjoy the selected books, but we do ask that you express your thoughts in a kind way – you never know who’s a member and following the discussion!

There’s already a spoiler-free discussion happening in the dedicated channel on the BFS members-only Discord server and in our Facebook group. The full spoiler-ific discussion will happen over the weekend of 18-19 January.

This book club will grow with members’ needs, so David will ask for feedback and tweak the formula after these first discussions. Head over to our Facebook group or members-only Discord server and start getting involved. Not yet in the Discord server? Contact us to request your invite link.

See you at book club!

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