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Book Review

The Lake Boy

The Lake Boy by Adam Robert Newcon Press, ebook, £2.99, Reviewed by Sarah Deeming Cynthia lives with her brother, George, the local minister of a small parish in Cumbria. The hope is the remoteness of this new parish will cure Cynthia of her sinfulness. As she strives to contain her… Read More »The Lake Boy

Sanctuary of the Shadow

SANCTUARY OF THE SHADOW  By Aurora Ascher Bantam Books, HB, £17.47 Reviewed by Christine Downie Sanctuary of the Shadow is a dark fantasy romance by Canadian author Aurora Ascher. The main character is Harrow, a circus fortune teller who just happens to be the last living true Seer. Salizar, the… Read More »Sanctuary of the Shadow

Alien Clay

Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky Tor, HB, £18.99 Reviewed by Nadya Mercik A journey into otherness. A tale of confrontation – with the authorities, with the world around you, with yourself. A vibrant alien world steeped in science. And the same old traits of humanity that bring people onto the… Read More »Alien Clay

The Butcher of the Forest

The Butcher Of The Forest, by Premee Mohamed. Titan Books, hb, £11.95 Reviewed by Steven Poore Better known, in this book cellar at least, for her Indiana Jones/Lex Luthor/Cthulhu warp-speed romp across a modern world threatened by mistakenly-summoned Ancient Ones, Beneath The Rising (Solaris, 2020), Premee Mohamed is evidently creeping… Read More »The Butcher of the Forest


Faebound by Saara El-Arifi HarperVoyager, HB, £14.32 Reviewed by Mikaela Silk Yeeran has dedicated her life to the Forever War, unwavering in her belief that they can win the war and end the hunger of children all across the elven kingdom. Her sister, Lettle, hates the war and instead chooses… Read More »Faebound


Dragonfall by L.R. Lam Hodderscape, HB, £9.19 Reviewed by Mikaela Silk Everen is destined to save his fellow dragons from their exile, but when he tries to scry for the way forward, the future eludes him. Feeling a failure at his own fate, he takes the first reckless opportunity to… Read More »Dragonfall

Blade of Dreams

Blade of Dreams by Daniel Abraham Orbit Books, hb, £15.93 Reviewed by Sarah Deeming The prince of Kithamar, Ausai a Sal, has died, and his nephew, Bryn a Sal, is his successor. But his succession is short-lived, and within the year, he is dead. Elaine a Sal is Bryn’s only… Read More »Blade of Dreams

The Sky Inside

THE SKY INSIDE by Sean Williams Drugstore Indian Press p/b Euro 14.00 Reviewed by Nigel Robert Wilson Sean Williams is a very able writer of science fiction who explores the concepts he creates. There is no question as to his competence, as the New York Times happily declares. Also, Williams… Read More »The Sky Inside

What Child is This?

What Child is This? A Sherlock Holmes Christmas Adventure by Bonnie MacBird, illustrations by Frank Cho Harper Collins, s/b, £9.99 Reviewed by Matthew Johns It’s almost Christmastime in Holmes’ London, and the detective is filled with his usual curmudgeonly disdain for the season despite his friend John Watson’s attempts to… Read More »What Child is This?