For all things fantasy, horror, and speculative fiction
HOLY GHOSTS: Classic Tales of the Ecclesiastical Uncanny edited by Fiona Snailham British Library Tales of the Weird p/b…
POLAR HORRORS: Strange Tales From the World’s Ends, edited by John Miller British Library Press, p/b, £9.99 Reviewed by…
ECLECTIC DREAMS: A Milford Anthology edited by J W Anderson, Pete W. Sutton & Liz Williams #BookReview #SciFi #ShortStories…
In March this year, we ran the first BFS writing retreat at Gladstones Library in Wales and we had…
A SOLEMN CURFFEW AND OTHER DARK TALES by Bev Allen from Cathaven Press #BookReview #Horror #ShortStory #Anthology A SOLEMN…
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