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Meet the BFS committee: President Juliet Mushens

We’d love to shine a light on the volunteers who help keep the British Fantasy Society running—and this month, we’re starting at the top. Here’s our President, Juliet Mushens.

Name, including preferred pronouns
Juliet Mushens, she/her

Which region are you based in?

Your role on the BFS committee is:


Juliet will run a BFS workshop on finding an agent on 25 November; get the details and book tickets here, or use the form at the bottom of this page.

Your work with the BFS

Why did you join the BFS committee?

I’d been attending FantasyCon for over ten years when I was approached about standing – I love the genre community and have been embedded in it since I started in publishing so was excited to formalise that!

Tell us more about your role – what do you do? 

My role is largely ambassadorial – outreach to authors and publishers and helping to organise and publicise the organisation.

What does this mean in practical terms for members?

Access to more authors and editors and workshops and meet-ups!

Why should others get more involved with the BFS?

We’re volunteer run so the more volunteers we have, the easier it is to deliver a great experience to our members – and the more ideas the better.

Your influences

Tell us about the book/film/thing that got you into SFFH: What was it? How old were you? What impact did it have on you?

My parents’ house is called Lorien and my childhood guinea-pigs were Merry and Pippin so it’s safe to say that genre was a huge part of my life – each year we would listen to the unabridged full cast recording of Lord of the Rings in full whilst driving to Italy. Allegedly I hated nursery school because the other kids didn’t know what hobbits were! 

How does that early influence show up in your work now?

One of my first jobs was editorial assistant at HarperVoyager and now I’m an agent I represent a lot of genre authors, working with many of the imprints and publishers I grew up reading.

The quickfire round

Sci-fi, fantasy or horror?


Quiet or loud?


Dark or light?


Strict lines or genre blend?

Genre blend

Awards or bestseller?

Both, ideally!

(Pictured left: some of the bestsellers from the Mushens Entertainment stable)

Fiction or non-fiction?


Poetry or prose?


Reading or listening?


Favourite SFFH book of all time?

The whole Liveship Traders trilogy is a perennial fave. Kindred by Octavia Butler is one I go back to time and again.

Last book you read?

Matthew Perry’s memoir. (Pictured right)

Any SFFH author on auto-buy?

Naomi Novik

The home stretch

Time to plug your stuff! Where can we find you and your work? What have you got coming up? Consider this your advertising space.

You can visit the Mushens Entertainment website to read our submission guidelines and see if I would be a good fit for your work! Next year sees: new trilogies from bestselling clients of mine Saara El-Arifi, Taran Matharu, and Andrea Stewart; new YA horror from bestseller Laura Purcell; and new novels from Stephen Aryan, Hannah Kaner, LR Lam, and Jen Williams.

 Visit us at www.mushens-entertainment.com

Book a ticket for Juliet’s workshop on finding an agent

Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.