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BFS Blog and Reviews

News and Articles

Meet Steve Morgan

Every Friday, we meet a member of the BFS and peer deep into their soul (or, at least, a form they

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Shown is a graphic that has a background of blue mountains over a calm lake with a low sun shining. On the top right and left is the BFS logo, a shimmering dragon design curling around the letters ‘BFS’. At the bottom left and right is a silhouette of a person with balled up pieces of paper rising up from the head. Photos: PS Livingstone (top left); Gretchen Felker-Martin (top right); Virginia McClain (bottom left); Scott J. Moses (bottom right).

BFS Online: Writing and Mental Health – Writing Grief, Sex & Violence

Grief, sex and violence are a part of the human experience, for good or for ill. As a writer, how

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Shown is a graphic that has a background of blue mountains over a calm lake with a low sun shining. Surrounding the names in the middle is the BFS logo, a shimmering dragon design curling around the letters ‘BFS’. At the bottom left and right is a silhouette of a person with balled up pieces of paper rising up from the head. Photos: Shona Kinsella (left); Dave Jeffery (right).

BFS Online: Writing and Mental Health – Interview with Dave Jeffery

BFS Chair Shona Kinsella interviews bestselling author and mental health champion Dave

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Katie Bruce

Fantasycon is Education, Entertainment – and Trinkets from the Dealers

We’re entering the home straight: Fantasycon looms in the near-future! To get us ready, we asked

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Liam Hogan

Shrewsbury Gets Nerdy for SFF

Liam Hogan attended the first Fantasy & Sci-Fi Spotlight at Shrewsbury’s Nerdy Cafe and lived to

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Elaine Chiew

Imaginarium: Celebrating British and International ESEA Speculative Fiction

Elaine Chiew, founder of Lian Connect and Imaginarium – the debut festival, supported by the BFS,

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BFS Reviews

ROADS OF DESTINY and Other Tales of Alternative Histories and Parallel Realms, ed by Alasdair Richmond

Ever since people told each other stories, there has been a fascination with imagined other worlds.

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Key Lime Sky by Al Hess

The premise of Key Lime Sky is fairly simple. One day, a UFO crashed near a small town in Wyoming.

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Guillotine by Delilah S. Dawson

Dez Lane dreams of being a fashion designer, but is finding it hard to get a foot in the door.

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Key Lime Sky by Al Hess

The premise of Key Lime Sky is fairly simple. One day, a UFO crashed near a small town in Wyoming.

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Blackwater: The Flood By Michael McDowell

Perdido, Alabama 1919. A flood has all but destroyed the town of Perdido, and the residents are

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Anise Star works from her home in the White Woods, following closely in her mother’s footsteps,

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