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All Reviews

Starling House by Alix E Harrow

The haunted house is a stock setting in gothic fiction, instantly familiar to readers in and

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The Outcast Mage by Annabel Campbell

In Amoria, the great glass city, Naila is a prospective mage of the Academy of Amoria. She passed

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Warlords of Wyrdwood by RJ Barker

Cahan du Nahere was Cowl-Rai, chosen as a god’s saviour, though he shunned that future and chose

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Solarpunk: Short Stories from Many Futures (Beyond and Within) Editied By Francesco Verso

Fourteen short stories examining possible near and distant futures set in the aftermath of our

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The Half King by Melissa Landers

Like all second-born daughters, Cerise was given to the Temple at birth and trained for life as a

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The Olympian Affair by Jim Butcher

After waiting for years, it is delightful to catch up with characters that have almost become

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The Knife and The Serpent by Tim Pratt

The Knife and The Serpent is a fun read. It’s light-hearted, doesn’t take itself too seriously

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Lord of the Empty Isles by Jules Arbeaux

Remy Canta arrives home to discover that Tirani is not alone. She was not expecintg any more

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The Bell Witches by Lindsey Kelk

The Bell Witches marks a turn to a new genre by Lindsey Kelk, who is well known for her “chick

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