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The front cover for The Original's Return by David Watkins. The front cover shows a crevice in a forest. The rocks are all covered in moss and light is coming down from above.

The Original’s Return

The Original’s Return by David WatkinsThe Original’s Return by David WatkinsPb, £6.99Reviewed

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Ian Hunter

When the dark gets poetic

As the last instalment in our month-long horror focus, BFS poetry editor Ian Hunter looks at the

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Tim Mendees

Carry on Screaming: Comedy in Horror

Self-confessed “odd chap” Tim Mendees, fresh off the success of organising the Innsmouth Literary

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The front cover for Combat Codes by Alexander Darwin. The front cover is black. There is an image of a dragon standing on its back legs. Its wings come up above it's head then down around its feet. The dragon is a statue and only highlighted in certain areas.

Combat Codes

COMBAT CODES by Alexander Darwin COMBAT CODES by Alexander Darwin Orbit Books, pb, £8.31 Reviewed

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Meet Kit Power

Every Friday, we’ll meet a member of the BFS and peer deep into their soul (or, at least, a form

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The front cover for Master of Souls by Rena Barron. There is a woman of colour in the middle of the page. The left half of her face is in shadows and there are tears coming from her right eye. There is a snake behind her coming from the upper left hand side of the page to the lower right side of the page.

Master of Souls

Master of Souls by Rena Barron MASTER OF SOULS by Rena Barron Harper Voyager h/b £18.99 Reviewed

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Teika Marija Smits

Unleashing the Monster Within

Teika Marija Smits seeks the dark within us all, in this latest instalment in our month-long horror

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The front cover for Playing the Witch Card by K.J Dell'Antonio. The front cover is shades of purple. There is a black hand with pink fingernails rising out of the bottom of the page. The hand is holding a pair of white cards with the book's title running across them. There is a small image of a pink witch on a broomstick on the middle right of the title and a pink building to the bottom left of the title. Around the hand decorating the rest of the cover is a floral motif of flowers, stalks and leaves in shades of purples and pinks.

Playing the Witch Card

PLAYING THE WITCH CARD by K.J. Dell’Antonia PLAYING THE WITCH CARD by K.J. Dell’Antonia. Titan

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Lauren McMenemy

Mining the Occult for Horror Stories

Ahead of this weekend’s Writing the Occult: Vampires gathering, event curator Lauren McMenemy

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