For all things fantasy, horror, and speculative fiction
Connection. Disconnection. Reconnection. These are themes that run through all of us. Yes, representation matters – but it’s not…
A trip to Australia and an ominous street name sent Dominic Miles’s imagination aflutter. His forthcoming book Blood Creek…
Every Friday, we meet a member of the BFS and peer deep into their soul (or, at least, a…
Silent Key by Laurel Hightower Flame Tree Press, £12.96 paperback, £20 hardback Reviewed by Nadya Mercik Silent Key, being…
New BFS member Sarah Elliott joins the 2023 horror spotlight to explain why she was lured back to the…
The Others of Edenwell by Verity M. Holloway from @TitanBooks #BookReview #Horror #Supernatural The Others of Edenwell by Verity…