For all things fantasy, horror, and speculative fiction
The beauty industry is always ripe for satire. There’s something particularly satisfying about skewering people’s misplaced vanity, especially if those people are affluent and arrogant. Australian author…
Victorian England is synonymous with prudish people hiding their vices in whatever closet they could. While most people associate this behaviour with sexual activities, writer Kat Clay…
Agents must go through Axis-occupied China, collect intel, and get out. It would be easy if it weren’t for the murderous criminals, Black Sun’s presence, and, of…
Glorantha is the infamous setting for the long-lasting role-playing game RuneQuest, created by the great Greg Stafford. The setting has been around for decades and is still going…
A mysterious woman arrives at a tournament and both publicly challenges and then shames King Arthur. Her champion, the intimidating Grey Knight, will face a challenger in…