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Meet Willow Woods
Every Friday, we meet a member of the BFS and peer deep into their soul (or, at least, a form they filled out). Want to be featured? Email us: online@britishfantasysociety.org
Name: Willow Woods (she/her)
Which region are you based in? Originally South East but after the Great Geography debate I found out I’m more East based! London for simplicity though!
If you write, which genre: Fantasy and historical
Are you drawn to any specific SFFH sub-genres? Political fantasy
Your influences
Tell us about the book/film/thing that got you into SFFH: What was it? How old were you? What impact did it have on you?
It was Tamora Pierce’s In the Hands of the Goddess (book 2 of the Song of the Lioness quartet). I was 12 and found it in my school’s library. I didn’t even realise it was the second book in the series and the library didn’t have any of the others! My local library had a few of her other books and I was hooked on them. Alanna the Lioness is still my hero to this day.
I always enjoyed reading and writing before I discovered Tamora Pierce, but reading her books made me want to be a writer. If I could get one person to feel how her books make me feel I’ll have achieved something – hopefully! They are 100% my go-to books for when I’m feeling down.
Soon after I read that library copy of In the Hands of the Goddess, I managed to buy my own (this was hard to find as bookshops didn’t stock her unfortunately!). That copy is still with me today and it’s travelled with me to funerals, events, goes under my pillow, and I even had it on me during my wedding (it was my something old!).
How does that early influence show up in your work now?
I think the fact I’ve gone into fantasy, that sorcery is a huge part of my first novel, Where I Belong, and is part of the world building for the series I’m currently working on. I don’t know if I would have turned to fantasy writing without Tamora Pierce.
Where do you draw your creative inspiration from?
History is a huge part of my creative inspiration. I love drawing inspiration from real people and events and adapting them into a fantasy setting. Fashion in history I absolutely love and draw inspiration from this quite a lot when creating costumes in my mind. I love that fantasy gives us the creativity to take different periods of fashion and mix them into one. I also really enjoy reading fiction where there’s clear elements of history within!
Who do you look to as a genre hero? Why?
Tamora Pierce (shocker!). Growing up I felt like she was an inspirational role model (and still is!).
Your work
You’re stuck in an elevator for 60 seconds with that hero, and they want you to describe your work. Give us the pitch.
Is now the time to mention I’m claustrophobic so would 100% not find myself in this position? 😅
“Your work inspired me and made me realise that I wanted to be an author when I grew up!”
After much stammering, and most likely having to deal with my stutter making an appearance, I’d tell her that my work draws on a mixture of real-life events and issues that are then blended into the fantasy genre. Alongside the creative freedom that fantasy allows – it doesn’t have to be accurate, because it’s fantasy. Creating a world that has people reliant on magic, while others live as we would, the conflict between the two sides and their own internal conflicts.
I’m working on several projects (because why focus on one when you can complete none?!).
My main project is what I’m hoping to be my first trilogy. It’s revisiting the world Jadeus, which is the one I created for Where I Belong but this time focusing on a different kingdom. It’s going to be a political fantasy focusing on a small kingdom that has been cursed by its neighbour so there’s constant darkness – meaning they have to rely on imports and those with the magical ability known as the Source to keep the kingdom from dying. At the moment there’s a lot of placeholders like EMPIRE, TAVERN NAME, CAPITAL and KINGDOM throughout! I’m hoping once I pick names it will start to flow more.
The second project is a TTRPG game. I’m looking into using an OGL although one day I would love to create something from scratch. The TTRPG will (hopefully) be compatible with DnD 5e and will be a series of mini-campaigns set in Saphyre, the world from Where I Belong.
The third project is a series of short stories based on Greek Mythology. A mixture of myths set in their actual time, fantasy worlds and in modern-day settings.
(Pictured: Willow’s workspace)
A fourth project I’m playing around with is based on more historical research and focuses on one of the women featured in Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies – a directory of 18th century prostitutes who worked in Covent Garden. I haven’t decided which lady to feature yet but I’m hoping to find as much about her as possible when I do.
Thinking about all the stories/work you’ve done, what sticks out most in your mind? Why?
How characters become real people to you. When I’m talking about my characters to other people, they really exist to me.
Where and when do you create/are you at your most creative?
I have a notebook with me at all times so if inspiration hits I can start writing.
What’s the best advice you’ve received about creativity?
Write what you enjoy – don’t force yourself. If you’re hating the subject, your readers will most likely be able to tell!
Some advice I’ve learnt for myself is building my hobbies into writing. I love archery and it’s so much easier to write about archery and creating clothes when you understand the activity itself.
(Also – it’s ok to procrastinate!)
What’s your writing soundtrack?
Mostly gaming soundtracks, like Final Fantasy (mostly FFIX! I’m such a IX nerd I’ve named my kittens, pictured, Zorn & Thorn), Red Alert, Tomb Raider etc, but the occasional musical/film OST might break in there. Popcorn has become a big feature in the soundtrack recently!
The quickfire round
Sci-fi, fantasy or horror? Fantasy
Quiet or loud? Quiet
Dark or light? Dark
Strict lines or genre blend? Genre blend
Awards or bestseller? Neither! (Sorry!)
Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction
Poetry or prose? Prose
Plotter or pantser? Equally both!
Reading or listening? Reading
Notebook or computer? Notebook
Favourite SFFH book of all time? In the Hands of the Goddess, Tamora Pierce
Last book you read? Forever Amber, Kathleen Windsor
Any SFFH author on auto-buy? Tamora Pierce
Favourite podcast? I don’t actually listen to any!
Willow’s bookshelves are full of fantasy
The home stretch
What’s the best thing about being part of the SFFH community?
Talking to people who you will have at *least* one thing in common with!
Time to plug your stuff! Where can we find you and your work? What have you got coming up? Consider this your advertising space.
I’m on the usual platforms, usually as TheMouseyOne:
My work is available mostly online on Amazon and direct on my website. I’m working more on getting them into physical bookshops and libraries (I would love to see them in libraries!).
I’m currently running a Kickstarter to help fund my next audiobook – it ends on 5 November!
Pictured: Willow’s books Where I Belong and The Shadow Courtesan, both now available.