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Golden Jubilee Event – Economics in SFFH
Have you ever wondered how the brave hero in that fantasy trilogy is funding his adventures? Or where the money for the spaceships comes from? How would magic and capitalism intersect? How would different economic systems influence the development of magic or technology in SFFH stories? Then join Allen Stroud, Jo Lindsay Walton and Hannah Kaner at 12:30 on Saturday as they discuss Economics in SFFH.
Allen Stroud is Chair of the British Science Fiction Association and has been Chair of Fantasycon in 2017, 208 and 2021. He is university lecturer and a writer of fantasy, science fiction and horror. He works on computer games, TV, novels and short stories. His science fiction novels, Fearless and Resilient are published by Flame Tree Press.
Jo Lindsay Walton’s recent fiction appears in Fireside Fiction and Phase Change: Imagining Energy Futures, and his roleplaying game The Shrike is available from Sad Press Games. He co-edits Vector for the British Science Fiction Association, and is a Research Fellow at the Sussex Humanities Lab. www.jolindsaywalton.commstdn.social/@jolwalton
HANNAH KANER is a Northumbrian writer living in Scotland. She works as a digital consultant in Edinburgh, delivering digital healthcare, tools, and services for the public sector. She has a first class degree in English from Pembroke College, Cambridge, and a Masters of Science from the University of Edinburgh. She is inspired by world mythologies, angry women, speculative fiction, and the stories we tell ourselves about being human. Her debut novel, GODKILLER, will publish in 2023 with HarperVoyager.