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The front cover for The God of Lost Words by A.J. Hackwith. The front cover is red. Running along the bottom of the page is a demon between two sets of upright books. There are three open books on the left and right of the page that are falling down,


THE GOD OF LOST WORDS By A.J. Hackwith from @TitanBooks #BookReview #Fantasy THE GOD OF LOST WORDS

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The front cover for Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle. in the bottom half of the page is a set of camp huts in a clearing in a forest. There are pine trees in the background.One of the huts has a bright blue light coming from the windows and doors. The top of the page, behind the trees has a close up of an open mouth and moths are flying out of it.

Camp Damascus

Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle from @TitanBooks #BookReview #Horror #Fantasy Camp Damascus by Chuck

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Shown is a graphic that has a purple, black and blue sky with stars and the silhouette of a tree with bare branches. Top left is C.J. Cooke, who had long, dark hair and red lipstick. She is holding a copy of her book, The Ghost Woods. Top right is Shona Kinsella, whose long, black, wavy hair hangs over right side of her face. In the top middle are lines of white text, saying 'BFS Online Presents: Inspiration. Below are lines of white text, saying ‘Author Interview: Award-winning author C.J. Cooke interviews by BFS Chair Shona Kinsells. At the bottom are lines of white text saying ‘Saturday 20th January, 2 to 3pm. Tickets from BFS website.’.

BFS Online: Inspiration –Interview with C.J. Cooke

Grab your ticket here Our lovely interviewee is C.J. Cooke, author of The Ghost Woods, and will be

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Meet Claire Cronshaw

Every Friday, we meet a member of the BFS and peer deep into their soul (or, at least, a form they

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The Phoenix King

The Phoenix King by Aparna Verma Orbit Books, pb, £9.19 Reviewed by Mikaela Silk A kingdom on the

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Shown is a graphic that has a purple, black and blue sky with stars and the silhouette of a tree with bare branches. Top left is Robin CM Duncan. He has short hair and a beard and is wearing glasses. Top right is Russell A Smith. There is a plane in the background and he is looking direct at the camera with smile. He has locks and facial hair. Middle left is Kit Power. He has long, brown, wavy hair, facial hair and is wearing glasses. Middle right is Neil Williamson, who has a shaved head and is facial hair. On the bottom right and left is the BFS logo, a red and black dragon design curling around the letters ‘BFS’. In the top middle are lines of white text, saying 'BFS Online Presents: Inspiration. Below are lines of white text, saying ‘Panel: Music, Movies & Media, Kit Power, Russell A Smith, Neil Williamson, Robin CM Duncan (mod)’. At the bottom are lines of white text saying ‘Saturday 20th January, 12 to 12:45pm. Tickets from BFS website.’.

BFS Online: Inspiration – Music, Movies & Media

Music, Movies & Media: A conversation about how different types of media get our creative juices

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