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Our talented interviewees is are Tiffani Angus and Val Nolan and will be interviewed by BFS Chair, Shona Kinsella.
Tiffani Angus (she/her): Tiffani Angus (PhD) is a BSFA- and BFS-award finalist for her debut novel Threading the Labyrinth. Spec Fic for Newbies: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Subgenres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Vol. 1, co-written with author Val Nolan (PhD), made the Locus Recommended Reading List and the BSFA shortlist for best nonfiction. Spec Fic for Newbies Vol. 2 will be released early July 2024 and officially launch at Glasgow Worldcon.
She works as a freelance editor and proofreader for SFF publishing houses and private clients, lives in Bury St Edmunds, and is currently at work on a novel, a novella, a short-story collection, and another scandalous new project.
Find out more about Tiffani on her website. Or follow her on Bluesky or Instagram. Get her books here and here.

Val Nolan (he/him): Val Nolan is author of Neil Jordan: Works for the Page (UCC Press, 2022) and co-author of Spec Fic for Newbies (Luna Press Publishing, 2023). He has published academic articles in Science Fiction Studies, Foundation, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comic Books, Irish University Review, Irish Studies Review, symplokē, and Dictionary of Literary Biography. His fiction has appeared in Year’s Best Science Fiction, Best of British Science Fiction, Unidentified Funny Objects, Andromeda Spaceways, and Interzone (for which he also writes the ‘Folded Spaces’ column about the history of Science Fiction criticism). He has been shortlisted for the Theodore Sturgeon Award (for his story The Irish Astronaut) and twice been a finalist for the BSFA Awards.
He is currently a research fellow at Aberystwyth University in Wales where he was awarded Lecturer of the Year in 2022.
You can follow Val on Bluesky or Twitter.

Shona Kinsella (she/her): Shona Kinsella is a multiple-award-nominated Scottish fantasy author. Her works include The Heart of Winter, The Vessel of KalaDene series, The Flame and the Flood, and non-fiction Outlander and the Real Jacobites: Scotland’s Fight for the Stuarts. She was the editor of the British Fantasy Society’s fiction publication BFS Horizons for four years and is now the Chair of the Society. She lives with her husband and 3 children on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond.
Find out more about Shona on her website. Or you can follow her on Facebook and Bluesky. Buy her latest book, The Heart of Winter, here.