Workshop – Writing Historical Fantasy: Research as a Catalyst with Tiffani Angus

We are delighted to be kicking off our new series of online workshops with Writing Historical Fantasy: Research as a Catalyst, presented by Tiffani Angus.

Historical fantasy is such a wide subgenre that knowing where to start can be confusing. This workshop will explore the complicated relationship between history and fantasy and consider different modes of research along with questions you can ask while developing story ideas. Tiffani Angus will use examples from her own work to illustrate her process while she leads you on a couple of fun activities to get you started on new historical fantasy story ideas. Be ready to take some notes and do some internet searches. 

The workshop will take place at 1pm on Saturday 25th March, via zoom. Tickets are £5 for members and £10 for non-members and can be purchased here. As part of our commitment to supporting writers, there are a limited number of free tickets available for those who could not otherwise afford to attend. If you would like to request one of these tickets, please complete the form here.

Tiffani Angus, PhD, spent over a decade teaching creative writing at university level with a special emphasis on SFF. A graduate of the Clarion workshop, she writes in several genres, and her debut novel, Threading the Labyrinth, was shortlisted for the BSFA and BFS Best Novel awards. With Val Nolan she’s a co-author of the new Spec Fic for Newbies: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Subgenres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, based on their teaching, writing, and workshop experiences. She’s also the co-director of the Underhill Academy for SFF Writers.