Who at 60: 10 Doctor Who Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

As we continue to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Britain’s longest-running SFFH show—and the now-airing anniversary specials—here’s a peek at some of the non-TV world of Who penned by co-host of the All-New Adventures of the Doctor Who Book Club podcast (and BFS member) Chris Hawton.

Since podcasts first emerged in the ’00s, there have been Doctor Who-centric podcasts. Some have risen and fallen. Some have been going for over 15 years with no sign of stopping. Some have faded into the background while others develop an loyal fanbase.

As an avid podcast listener (and also co-host to a Doctor Who podcast, as it happens), I’ve gathered a list of 10 Who-related podcasts you should listen to, taking in not just the TV show but the full range of Whoniverse platforms. (I am no fan of that term but the BBC has adopted it now, so hey ho.) While I’ve included various links for each, these should all be available wherever you listen to your podcasts. 

Did I include your favourite? Did I include your own podcast? Let me know in the comments below!

1. The Official Doctor Who Podcast

This is so new I’ve not actually listened to it, mainly because I’m trying to avoid spoilers for the current run of 60th anniversary specials (I haven’t even watched the ‘next time’ trailer for Wild Blue Yonder). The BBC has finally got into the Who discussion scene and give us a panel each week to discuss the latest episodes. The panel features acclaimed author Juno Dawson, no strange to Doctor Who writing herself (and pictured above alongside co-hosts Christel Dee and Tyrell Charles; photo © and taken from the BBC website). I’m looking forward to having a listen to it after the specials have aired.

2. Radio Free Skaro

This Canadian show has been ongoing since 2006 and is one of the grandaddies of the scene. They have had interviews with show runners and regular cast members from over the years. Steven, Warren and Chris are knowledgable and whilst opinionated are gracious in how they argue agreeably. They have a particular interest in the production of the series and they bring their own professional background to proceedings.

3. Doctor Who: Redacted

Back to the BBC and back to Juno Dawson, this drama follows three friends who run a conspiracy podcast. Given this is in the Doctor Who universe, their investigations lead them to various familiar voices. It’s also notable for the trio including a very compelling trans character, Cleo. I’ve not heard series 2 yet but series 1 is, to my taste, probably the most enjoyable Doctor Who of the Chibnall era.

Listen on BBC Sounds.

4. Verity!

Named after Verity Lambert, the first producer of Doctor Who (and the only female one sadly), this all-female discussion series started in 2013 and went on hiatus at the start of 2023. Sometimes hilarious, sometimes rightly furious, always interesting, the Verities hail from the US, Canada, Scotland and Australia and so bring a wide variety of fan backgrounds. Excitingly, they have indicated they are returning to discuss the recent episodes and I can’t wait.

5. World Enough And Time

This podcast, focussing on the classic series, is presented by a brother and sister. Andy lives in England while his sister Alex lives in New Zealand. At times, the podcast feels like therapy for them as they discuss their shared past. The podcast explores their bond as much as Doctor Who and it is often hilarious and moving.

6. New To Who

An Aussie podcast that sets out to introduce listeners to classic stories, this show assumes no prior knowledge and instead tries to make a case for you to try each story they cover. If you’re in the UK, these stories are now (for the most part) on iPlayer so they are even easier to consume than they were. The hosts are hilarious and well-informed.

7. Pieces Of Eighth

Co-hosted by friends Kenny and Rebecca, this series focuses on the 8th Doctor as played by Paul McGann. As that Doctor has only been on TV twice (once in 1996 and once in 2013), you might think there wasn’t a lot to talk about.

Instead this is a deep dive into this Doctor’s many adventures in the extended universe, including in books and Big Finish audio stories. The 8th Doctor is an unusually compassionate Doctor, and as his run on TV was so brief it’s nice that he’s had such a celebrated long run on other mediums.

8. The Writers’ Room

Kyle and Erik focus entirely on the scripts of the TV series. They are covering every episode and so sometimes they are discussing classics and sometimes they are definitely not. The hosts are witty and knowledgable about the series and script-writing in general. While I don’t always agree with them, their discussions are always interesting.

9. Doctor Who and The Episodes Of Death

Each episode, Lucas invites a special guest to defend a somewhat maligned TV story, often leading to a new perspective as well as some creative arguments. I’ve guested on this show from time to time (defending, among others, Timelash)—but even if I hadn’t, I would still recommend it for Lucas’s warm and easy style. Fans sometimes forget that nobody sets out to create bad Who and so it’s nice to shine a positive light on under-loved episodes of the Doctor’s folklore.

10. The All-New Adventures of the Doctor Who Book Club

I’d be remiss not to mention my own show! My co-host Matt and I discuss a different spin-off book each month. We’ve been doing this for almost seven years and have followed in the footsteps of the original Doctor Who Book Club, co-hosted by Erik from The Writers’ Room. When Erik’s version of the show finished, they explicitly welcomed anyone to have a try if they wanted to. Such generosity to me seems typical of the world of Doctor Who podcasts.

I’d love to know your favourite Who podcasts—let me know in the comments below. And, of course, if you enjoy any of these podcasts, do remember to leave a review! It does make a difference to the show creators. 

Meet the guest poster

Image for Chris Hawton

Chris Hawton is a writer, runner, and was until recently a human pet to a demanding rabbit (RIP we miss you). He is also the south London half of the All-New Adventures of the Doctor Who Book Club Podcast presenting team (available on your pod player of choice). You’ll usually find him reading multiple books at once, listening to podcasts full of useless trivia and obscure facts, or enjoying a craft IPA for his #beerstagram account.