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The Mercy of Gods by James S. A. Corey

Humans have been on Anjiin for so long that they have forgotten how they arrived there. They live a

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Heads Will Roll by Josh Winning

Once a sitcom darling, Willow is now a fallen star, the latest victim of internet cancel culture;

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Bonesmith by Nicki Pau Preto

In the Dominion, when someone dies, that is not the end. Thanks to the magic leaking from the

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Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis

Hotels are intriguing places, even when they don’t have anything to do with sci-fi. The Grand

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The Horror Collection: Topaz Edition ed by Ann Keeran and Kevin Kennedy

In the latest collection from KJK Publishing: The Topaz Collection, KJK Publishing has gathered

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The Rigel Redemption by Robin C.M. Duncan

Have you been waiting? I certainly have the latest news on the Quirk and Moth front. And, reporting

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Starter Set from Modiphius

The Dunkirk evacuation is one of World War 2’s most famous moments. People were trapped by German

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New Rock New Role by Richard Sparks

Within seconds of winning the RPG Grand Championship, Daxx and his friends, Grell and Qrystal, are

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While the majority of readers are happy to read new books without worrying about the influences

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