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Shown is a graphic that has a grey dappled background with four black claw marks on the far right. Over the top is a pencil with a light bulb on top, a red dragon curled round the outside; inside the bulb is an explosion of colour. A lightning strike comes down from the top right. On the bottom right is the BFS logo, a red and black dragon design curling around the letters ‘BFS’. At the top are lines of black text, saying 'BFS Online Presents: Writing Your Way.’ Below are lines of black text, saying ‘Interview: Tiffani Angus & Val Nolan interviewed by BFS Chair Shona Kinsella.’ At the bottom are lines of black text saying ‘Saturday 6th July, 12:15pm to 1:15pm. Tickets from BFS website.’ Photos: top left, Tiffani Angus; top right, Val Nolan; bottom, Shona Kinsella.

BFS Online: Writing Your Way – Interview with Tiffani Angus & Val Nolan

Two heads are better than one! Tiffani Angus and Val Nolan, authors of Spec Fic for Newbies Vol. 1,

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Shown is a graphic that has a grey dappled background with four black claw marks on the far right. Over the top is a pencil with a light bulb on top, a red dragon curled round the outside; inside the bulb is an explosion of colour. A lightning strike comes down from the top right. At the top are lines of black text, saying 'BFS Online Presents: Writing Your Way.’ Below are lines of black text, saying ‘Join us for readings from Eve Smith, Carol Carman, David Green, Eliane Boey, Ian Green, Carol B. Duncan. At the bottom are lines of black text saying ‘Saturday 6th July, 10am to 6pm. Tickets from BFS website.’ On the bottom left and middle is the BFS logo, a red and black dragon design curling around the letters ‘BFS’. Photos: top left, Eve Smith; top right, Carol Carman; middle left, David Green; middle right, Eliane Boey; bottom left, Erin Brown; bottom right, Carol B. Duncan.

BFS Online: Writing Your Way – Readings

We have six readings from a range of authors – fantasy, science fiction and horror – to help

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Meet L.R. Lam

Every Friday, we meet a member of the BFS and peer deep into their soul (or, at least, a form they

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BFS Discord Community

No writer is an island: the BFS Discord community celebrates their support team

This is a collective blog post written by and featuring the thoughts of BFS members.

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Wild Cards: Now & Then

George R.R. Martin Presents WILD CARDS: NOW & THENA graphic novel by Carrie Vaughn: Art by

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Caged Ocean Dub

Caged Ocean Dub by Dare Segun Falowo The Tartarus Press, Paperback £15.64 Reviewed by Catherine

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Meet Nadya Mercik

Every Friday, we meet a member of the BFS and peer deep into their soul (or, at least, a form they

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the Book of Doors

The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown Transworld Publishers, paperback, £7.05 Reviewed by Catherine

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Meet the BFS committee: Steven Poore, Lead Judge, Short Story Competition

We’d love to shine a light on the volunteers who help keep the British Fantasy Society

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