In this monthly column, we check in with one of our resident agents to answer those questions you’re too afraid to ask for yourself. This month, Laura Bennett of the Liverpool Literary Agency tackles questions asked by BFS members in our dedicated Discord channel.
Much discussion of nudging in this month’s column!
Q. What are your feelings on agents/agencies who are open for submissions but don’t provide any specifics about what they are looking for?
Honestly, I would either not send work to them, or just send it and hope for the best. I don’t know of many places that give no guidance on what they’re looking for, though. Generally there will be some sort of guide.
Q. When you get a rejection worded as “we liked your submission but…”, should you take the reason at face value, or in reality is this just a template message?
It’s most likely to be a template. Unless there is something really specific to your work, it’s going to be a form response, I’m afraid. That said, if there is a note to submit again, you may as well go for it!
Q. If I include pictures of my cat, will I get a more favourable response when sending my work to agents?
Probably not. Although I always appreciate cat pictures.
Q. If an agency doesn’t specify a “if no reply after x time, it’s a no” period, what’s a good rule of thumb before assuming it’s a no?
This is very difficult to say, as I’ve heard tales of people hearing back after several months (or even years). I would say that if it’s a blind submission and they don’t ask for a full manuscript, then after a few months (six on the outside), it’s safe to assume it’s a ‘no’. That said, if you receive an offer then it’s always worth informing anyone outstanding, even if it’s been a long time. You never know what you might shake free. If the agent has asked for a full manuscript, however, I would nudge them after a couple of months.
Q. Should I save any mention of the next book I’m working on for if I get a call and they ask ‘what else are you working on?’ or would it be okay to give a passing mention to something in the about-me line of the query letter?
Absolutely. I always like to know what an author is working on next, as it gives me a better idea about how we’ll work together for their career. Even if it’s just a short sentence.
Q. When they say “if you don’t hear after x number of weeks, feel free to nudge”, what are we supposed to say in the nudge email because my autism will overthink that forever and either end up with a long, formal email or a one-liner that I’m convinced is going to come off as rude.
I would say something like:
Dear X,
I’m just reaching out to see if you’ve had chance to look at my work, [Title], which was sent on [Date], as per your agency instructions to nudge after X weeks. Thank you for your time.
I don’t think most people would be put off by a one-liner as long as it’s polite! (Feel free to use my example and fill in the blanks.)
Q: On the topic of nudges, if somewhere says “we aim to respond within x weeks, please nudge us” and that deadline passes, is there any advantage in nudging on the deadline or later? As in, showing keenness vs patience?
I generally give it a couple of days after a deadline, just to be polite. As long as you’re only sending one email and not bombarding them, it’s okay to be keen!
Q: Ooh, another question about nudges. If you nudge and the amount of time passes again, do you nudge again or give up?
I would nudge again after a couple of weeks, just in case – there are plenty of times that an email will be lost in the shuffle. After a second try, I’d probably give up on it.
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