Shown is a graphic that has a purple, black and blue sky with stars and the silhouette of a tree with bare branches. Top left is Robin CM Duncan. He has short hair and a beard and is wearing glasses. Top right is Russell A Smith. There is a plane in the background and he is looking direct at the camera with smile. He has locks and facial hair. Middle left is Kit Power. He has long, brown, wavy hair, facial hair and is wearing glasses. Middle right is Neil Williamson, who has a shaved head and is facial hair. On the bottom right and left is the BFS logo, a red and black dragon design curling around the letters ‘BFS’. In the top middle are lines of white text, saying 'BFS Online Presents: Inspiration. Below are lines of white text, saying ‘Panel: Music, Movies & Media, Kit Power, Russell A Smith, Neil Williamson, Robin CM Duncan (mod)’. At the bottom are lines of white text saying ‘Saturday 20th January, 12 to 12:45pm. Tickets from BFS website.’.

BFS Online: Inspiration – Music, Movies & Media

Music, Movies & Media: A conversation about how different types of media get our creative juices flowing. How does music move you to build worlds and form characters? What changes in a story from page to screen?

Find out more about moderator Robin CM Duncan and panellists Kit Power, Russell A Smith and Neil Williamson.

Kit Power: Kit Power is an author of horror and dark crime fiction novels, novellas, and short stories. His novella A Song For The End was a finalist for a BFS award in 2021, and his essay collection/autobiography, My Life In Horror Volume II (based on the long-running Gingernuts of Horror series of the same name) was a finalist in the 2022 non-fiction category. He’s also an enthusiastic podcaster, with shows covering Sherlock Holmes, James Bond movies, Bruce Springsteen, and RoboCop. He’s also also one third of the apparently indescribable fortnightly Discord show Writeopolis with RJ Barker and Scott K Andrews. For more about his work, see his Patreon. You can also find him on Twitter. Kit’s books are available on Amazon and here.

Russell A Smith: Russell is a historian, games writer and fiction author, crossing many worlds on a number of adventures. A gamer and a regular hand at conventions in the UK, rumours of his status as a Time Lord are neither confirmed nor denied at this time. Check out more of what Russell is up to on his website. You can also follow him on Twitter or Facebook. Get Russell’s books here.

Neil Williamson: Neil Williamson is a writer and musician from Glasgow, Scotland. His work has been shortlisted for British Science Fiction Association, British Fantasy and World Fantasy awards. Find out more about Neil on his blog. Neil is also available on Facebook, Bluesky, Threads, and Mastodon. Neil’s books are available here.

Robin CM Duncan: Robin CM Duncan is a Scot born and living in Glasgow. A Civil Engineer by profession, he has written many words since 1980, some of which have turned out to be in the correct order. His first novel The Mandroid Murders was published in 2022; its sequel The Carborundum Conundrum in 2023. The Rigel Redemption is due 2024. His stories feature in Space Wizard’s Distant Gardens, Farther Reefs, and The World of Juno anthologies. His short story “The NEU Oblivion” was long-listed for the 2019 James White Award. Robin belongs to the Glasgow SF Writers’ Circle, Reading Excuses, the British Fantasy Society, the British Science Fiction Association, and volunteers with Glasgow 2024 and Eastercon 2024. Visit Robin’s website to find out more or follow him on Bluesky. Grab Robin’s books here.