BFS Anthology and 2024 Retreat

In March this year, we ran the first BFS writing retreat at Gladstones Library in Wales and we had the most wonderful time. As a way to celebrate the retreat, we decided to put together a themed anthology of short stories from retreat attendees, Portraits of Patriarchs. A digital copy of this special publication will be made available to all BFS members as a benefit of membership, and the book will be available in digital and paperback versions for sale outside of the society.

Proceeds from the sale of the anthology will go towards the cost of supporting a sponsored place at future retreats.

We will be having a launch celebration with readings from some of our lovely writers, at Fantasycon at 12pm on Sunday and hope you’ll join us there!

Cover of the book: a picture of an easel with a crown on the top corner and a sword leaning against the side. Title text is displayed on a canvas on the easel.

Table of Contents:

Into the Darkness They Go, the Wise and the Lovely by C.A. Yates

Zanshin by Teika Marija Smits

Morts Laws, Or, Ten Commandments for a New Dawn by Jacey Bedford

Draw the Dead by Halla Williams

Cyber Portraits of the Patriarchs by Matt Adcock

The Adorner of Limwald by L.J. Wiseman

RUN:\ Mask Mode by Eliza Chan

Worm-Shaped by T.H. Dray

The Art of Retribution by Siân O’Hara

A Figure Missing by David Green

1539 by Jen Williams

The 2024 Retreat will take place at Gladstones library from 1st to 4th March. Places are limited, and in the event that more people are interested than spaces are available, names will be drawn from a hat. To express your interest in attending, please complete the form here: The cost is £300 for a single room and £360 for a double room. This covers dinner, bed and breakfast for three nights. The form will be open until 30th September and places will be allocated in the first week of October.

As with last year, there will be one sponsored place open to BFS members who could otherwise not afford to attend. To put your name forward for this, fill in the form here: