BFS Online – The Fabric of Fantasy

Event Date:

13 May, 2023

Event Time:

10:00 am BST

Event Location:

The British Fantasy Society invites you to join us for an online event day full of readings, panels and interviews, all from the comfort of your own home.

The Fabric of Fantasy 


10:00 – reading slot

 10:15 – How Important is Violence in Fantasy – Is incorporating battle, torture, fighting and other tropes in fantasy crucial? 

11:00 BREAK

11:15 – reading slot

11:30 – Interview 

12:30 – reading slot 


1:30 – reading slot

 1:45 – Fantasy set in the Modern Era – How to incorporate fantasy and technology 

2:30 – BREAK

2:45 – reading slot 

3:00 – Sex, Love and Rock & Roll – Developing a unique culture in your fantasy world

 3:45 – reading slot 

 4:00 – BREAK

 4:15 – Open Mic


Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.

Event FAQs

Will the event be recorded for catch up?

Yes, we will record the event and details will be shared with ticket holders after the videos have been converted and uploaded for viewing. 

Total Seats: 200

By: The BFS

Event Schedule Details

  • 13 May, 2023 10:00 am BST   -   6:00 pm BST
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